Author Spotlight: Kevin Jarvis
By Kevin Robert Jarvis

We are pleased to introduce Kevin Jarvis. Kevin has recently published From One Father to Another with us, which is now available order here, and everywhere fine Christian books are sold. We asked Kevin to share a little bit about his writing, and new book. But first, a little bit about him.


Kevin Robert Jarvis studied theology and pastoral ministry at Assumption University before moving on to work as a full-time special constable for the past fourteen years. Kevin has always taken a keen interest in Christian apologetics, but found that what was missing in many apologetics books was a personal touch. From One Father to Another was shortlisted in our 2019 Free Publishing Contest.


Q: What inspired you to write From One Father to Another?
A: What inspired me to write this book was my love for Christian apologetics. I wanted to add something to the genre that was more personal and used the power of metaphor almost exclusively.

Q: What do you hope fathers get out of reading this book?
A: I hope that fathers, and mothers, will look into their own hearts and discover that they can understand a little more about God’s motives and intentions by reflecting on their relationship with their own children.

Q: What is the most significant way that fatherhood has changed how you perceive yourself and your place in society?
A: Fatherhood has changed me in so many ways. If I had to zero in on one it would have to be the way my own selfish motives were transformed to a more outward love that moved me more closer to God’s heart. I believe that my children’s experience of me will directly affect how they view God throughout their lives. We as fathers, and parents in general, are stand-ins for God, and I believe that our place in society is to model God’s love not only for our own children, but for all children, especially for children in situations where parents were less than good models for God’s love and unconditional concern. It’s always a sobering thought to think that if my children come to view God as a distant, uncaring and unreliable father that I may have had something to do with that. On the other hand, the opposite is also true in the positive sense. This is both exciting and daunting to think about.

Q: Do you think that your children will one day read this book?
A: I do believe that my children will one day read this book. I think I always considered this probability when writing it. I want my children to one day read it and make the connection that their far from perfect human father was a dim and humble reflection of the Love God has for them. My hope is the book will lead them closer to accepting that love.

Q: How would you like to be remembered by your children?
A: I want my children to remember me as someone that loved them deeply and always did my best for them. I hope that they will see that the greatest push I gave them was towards God, because that’s where our restless hearts ultimately find peace.

Q: Do you have plans to write any more books in the future?
A: I have been working on a few projects off and on. I hope to one day complete a more scholarly apologetic book as well as a Christian allegory I have been working on for a couple of years now.

About this Contributor:

Kevin Robert Jarvis enjoys producing original Christian music as well as reading and writing. He lives in Amherstburg, ON with his wife Jessica and their three children.

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